Clase Azul Tequila Reposado je prava predstavnica mehiške tradicije, narejena iz počasi kuhane modre agave. Ta ultra-premium tequila je starana 8 mesecev v ameriških whisky sodih, kar ji daje edinstvene lešnikove in vanilijeve note. Občutimo arome agavinega sirupa, vanilije, kandirane pomarančne lupinice ter ameriškega hrasta, ki jih dopolnjujejo lahke note cimeta in banane.
Clase Azul
The Clase Azul brand was born with a unique, handcrafted bottle created by Mexican artisans. The brand name comes from the blue agave, symbolizing the nature and culture it represents. The tequila and mezcal produced in historic Mexican regions preserve a rich heritage. Every drop of their products is the result of a lengthy process and craftsmanship, developing a unique character over time.