Weight | 1,3 kg |
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Pol Roger Pure zaključuje serijo Pol Roger šampanjcev in poznavalcem ponuja nove občutke. Je zvrst Chardonnaya, Modrega Pinota, in Pinota Meunier, ki se med seboj odlično dopolnjujejo. Je zlate, sijoče barve z drobnimi a obstojnimi mehurčki. Kompleksne arome po nagelnjih in vrtnicah se razvijejo v arome kruhove skorjice, kvasovk in citrusa. Pookus vzbudi subtilno aromo medu, kar da vinu več globine. Odlično se ujema s sladko in čvrsto hrano, kot so školjke, raki in jastogi.
Food Pairing
Seafood risotto, Fish, Aperitif
Pol Roger
Pol Roger sold its first bottle in January 1849. The Pol Roger cellars, spanning approximately 7 km, are among the coldest (around 9.5°C) and deepest in Épernay, with the lowest point reaching 33 meters underground. These conditions are ideal for secondary fermentation and aging on the lees, resulting in a fine and firm mousse with tiny bubbles—a hallmark of Pol Roger’s exceptional craftsmanship.